What is Restylane Refyne?
Restylane Refyne is hyaluronic acid (HA) filler made with XpresHan
Technology. It was FDA approved in December 2016 and released in 2017. HA delivers nutrients to the skin and helps the skin retain its natural moisture and softness. HA also gives
volume to the skin.
What are the indications?
Restylane Refyne is indicated for lines that run from the sides of your nose
towards the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds), the lines that run from the corner of your mouth to
the jaw line (marionette lines) as well as lines on the corner of the mouth (oral commissures). The unique
cross-linking of the gel in Restylane Refyne is also designed to help support your natural
expression—for real-life results that help maintain natural movement when you're smiling,
frowning and even puckering up.
How long will Restylane Refyne last?
Restylane Refyne can last from 6 months to a year but results will
vary from patient to patient.
Is there any discomfort?
Restylane Refyne has an anesthetic in the filler however; Dr. Banki will apply a
topical anesthetic to your face to numb the areas of treatment. Then small needles will be inserted into
the skin to apply the Restylane. You should not accept a lot of discomfort and the procedure does not last