
What is Belotero?
Belotero is a superficial injection with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid provides firmness to the skin and draws water molecules to provide volume that blends into the natural structure of your skin tissue.

What are the indications?
Belotero is mainly used to treat moderate to severe etched in lines and wrinkles such as vertical lip lines above and around the lips.

How long will Belotero last and when will I see results?
Belotero can last up to 6 months or more and the results are immediate. However, results could vary from patient to patient.

Is there any discomfort in the treatment?
Dr. Banki will apply a topical anesthetic to your face to numb the areas of treatment. Then small needles will be inserted into the skin to apply the Belotero. You should not except a lot of discomfort and the procedure does not last long.

Are there any side effects with Belotero?
You may experience mild irritation, swelling, redness, bruising, tenderness and lumps and bumps at the injection site. These side effects typically resolve on their own. If any of these side effects persist for more than 7 days contact Dr. Banki.