Restylane Lyft

Restylane® Lyft is approved by the FDA to correct volume deficit in the  cheek augmentation and correction of age-related midface contour deficiencies in patients over the age of 21.

What are the indications?
This filler is for treating moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (smile lines), but mainly is used by Dr. Banki to give volume to the cheeks.

When will I see results and how long will they last?
Results are immediate and will last for about one year but results will vary from patient to patient.

What are there any side effects?
The most common side effects are swelling, redness, pain, bruising, tenderness and lump formation. These are typically mild in severity and typically resolve in less than 7 days in nasolabial folds and less than 14 days in lips. Serious but rare side effects include delayed onset infection, recurrence of herpetic eruptions, and superficial necrosis at the injection site. One risk of using this product is unintentional injection into blood vessel. The chances of this happening are very small, but if this does happen the complications can be serious, and may be permanent. These complications include vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, or permanent necrosis of the skin. However, these risks are extremely rare on the hands of an expert dermatologist with familiarity of the facial anatomy.