Acne Scarring

Acne is a common condition experienced by up to 85% of people between 11 and 30 years of age and by up to 5% of older adults. In some patients, during the healing process of active acne, the severe inflammatory response results in permanent, disfiguring scars.

Classification of Acne Scars

There are two basic types of acne scars depending on whether there is a net loss or gain of collagen. 80%-90% of people with acne scars have scars associated with a loss of collagen (atrophic scars) compared to a minority who show hypertrophic scars and keloids. It is unclear why some acne patients develop scars while others do not, as the degree of acne does not always correlate with the incidence or severity of scarring.

The atrophic acne scars can be further divided into 3 sub-categories:

Boxcar scars have sharp cliff-drop-like vertical margins and a larger, flatter base and usually appear on the temples and the cheeks. Their appearance is like chickenpox scars. Rolling Scars are wide and shallow and create a wave-like appearance. They become visible when the tissue beneath the skin gets damaged. Their aspect resembles rolling hillsides. Ice pick scars are deep and narrow and form pits in the skin. This condition is usually caused by a deep pimple or cyst that has destroyed the follicle.

Hypertrophic/Keloid Scars

evo-lightUnlike the more common atrophic scars, here we see extra tissue where the scar is, in the form of a bump. Hypertrophic scars occupy the site of the original acne lesion, while keloid scars grow beyond the boundary of the original wound. Both are more commonly found on the chest and back, however, they can occur on the face as well.

Dr. Banki uses Virtue Microneedling RF to treat acne scars. This technology has proven to reduce moderate to severe acne scars for all skin types. Microneedling works by applying sterile microneedles deep into the dermis of the skin. These needles create microscopic channels deep within the dermis to stimulate the natural production of collagen and deliver radio-frequency heat energy at the desired depths to promote remodeling of collagen and elastin that tightens and lifts the skin.

The Virtue treatment has no social downtime. The skin may appear red for a few hours but the exclusive post-care regimen works to soothe the skin so most will only notice a post-treatment tightening and glow to their skin. A wet mask immediately following the procedure will be applied to the skin. The mask will soothe the skin with sodium hyaluronate, aloe vera, and caffeine.

Dr. Banki will apply numbing cream before the procedure, so you have a painless experience. The recommendation treatments are three, these are to be spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Introduction Video


Before & After Results