Skin Cancer Excision

At Banki Dermatology we believe protecting your skin from the sun is crucial in preventing skin cancers.  Skin cancers are serious and should be diagnosed by a Board Certified Dermatologist.

During your visit at Banki Dermatology an evaluation of your skin will be performed.  If any irregular lesions look suspicious in nature a biopsy will be taken.

There are 3 Major types of skin cancers:

Basal Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Melanoma Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer.  There are 3 million cases reported in the U.S. every year.  It presents itself usually as pearly red papule, or a flat reddish patch.

Basal cell carcinomas are cause by ultraviolet rays from the sunlight or tanning beds.  These are usually slow growing and rarely spread. 

Dr. Banki will biopsy the lesion and sends it to pathology.  Once the results are received one of our staff members will call you with the results.

 Squamous cell carcinomas often occur from sun exposure and have a potential to spread.

Squamous cell carcinomas can be found on your scalp, back of hands, ears, lips, although squamous cell carcinomas can occur anywhere on the body.  Usually presents themselves as keratotic red plaques  on sun exposed areas.

Dr. Banki will biopsy the area and sends the specimens to pathology for further evaluation.  Once the results are received treatment options will be discussed and explained by one of our office staff.


Melanoma skin cancer is the most serious type of skin cancer.  It develops in the cells (melanocytes) that produce melanin.  Exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight, tanning and genetics play a role in development of melanoma. 

Although melanoma is a serious skin cancer that can spread from the skin to other organs. If detected early enough it can be treated successfully. 

To detect melanoma is it essential to know the signs and symptoms.  Melanomas can occur anywhere on the body.  If you notice a change in a mole or develop new pigmented or unusual growths contact Banki Dermatology immediately for an appointment.


To better assist you identify changes think of the letters: A.B.C.D.E.

A is for asymmetrical shape (2 different looking halves)
B is for irregular borders (notched or scalloped)
C is for change in color (uneven color pattern)
D is for diameter (larger than ¼ inch)
E is for evolving (changing over time)

If you have identified any of the above, please call Banki Dermatology to schedule an appointment immediately.  Dr. Banki will evaluate the area or areas in question and take a biopsy.  Once the biopsy results are received our office staff will contact you with result and discuss further treatments on the phone.

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